среда, 1 августа 2012 г.


    На данной странице приведена критика реляционной модели данных или ее реализации в виде RDBMS от RDBMS-людей и от NoSQL-людей:

1. "One Size Fits All: An Idea Whose Time has Come and Gone", M. Stonebraker +...
2. "The End of an Architectural Era (It’s Time for a Complete Rewrite)", M. Stonebraker +...

    Общая идея следующая:
    "... presented reasons and experimental evidence that showed that the major RDBMS vendors can be outperformed by 1-2 orders of magnitude by specialized engines in the data warehouse, stream processing, text, and scientific database markets"
    "The popular relational DBMSs all trace their roots to System R from the 1970s. For example, DB2 is a direct descendent of System R, having used the RDS portion of System R intact in their first release. Similarly, SQL Server is a direct descendent of Sybase System 5, which borrowed heavily from System R. Lastly, the first release of Oracle implemented the user interface from System R."    
    "In summary, the current RDBMSs were architected for the business data processing market in a time of different user interfaces and different hardware characteristics. Hence, they all include the following System R architectural features:
- Disk oriented storage and indexing structures
- Multithreading to hide latency
- Locking-based concurrency control mechanisms
- Log-based recovery"
    // По мнению авторов, эти 4 компонента делают системы неповоротливыми и несоответствующими текущим реалиям железа.

    Michael Stonebraker - Through a series of academic prototypes and commercial startups, Stonebraker's research and products are central to many relational database systems on the market today. He is also the founder of a number of database companies, including Ingres, Illustra, Cohera, StreamBase Systems, Vertica, VoltDB, and Paradigm4. He was previously the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Informix. He is also an editor for the book Readings in Database Systems.
    Michael Stonebraker was a Professor of Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley, for twenty-nine years, where he developed the Ingres and Postgres relational database systems. He is currently an adjunct professor at MIT, where he has been involved in the development of the Aurora,[5] C-Store, H-Store, Morpheus, and SciDB systems.